aWe specialize in Power-floating & Screeding work with multi-storey car park ramp or underground carpark with or without hardener in new buildings, or refurbishment of old carparks.
Multi-storey and underground car parks vary greatly in terms of size, shape and stress levels. The spectrum ranges from single-storey underground car parks to vast parking complexes at airports. The requirements for car park coatings are highly diverse, according to the area of use. Customised solutions are required, tailored to the location and condition of the floor surface and the wear to which it is exposed.
As an expert in the industry, Double H Construction is able to provide solutions to various requirements in various conditions, eg solutions for Ground Bearing Slabs, Intermediate Decks, Top Decks and Exposed Areas and Ramps. We can also replaced screed floor finishes with power float finishes reduced wet trade and saved time in construction. Solutions for Storage, Logistic, Production and Processing areas are also available. Double H Construction also deals with supply and application of epoxy, primer.

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